The Secret of Active Stress Recovery: What Top Performers Are Doing That You’re Not

In our culture, we talk endlessly about getting up and getting on your grind. We talk about the insane schedules of CEOs and laugh off our fifth cup of coffee, quipping, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” We brag about how much we are doing, and we wonder how we can optimize our time with gadgets and apps.

But what we need to be talking about is stress. Most importantly, we need to talk about how to recover from stress.

Because what no one mentions about the hustle and grind? It causes stress, and lots of it. And if that stress isn’t handled in the right way, you’re worse off than you were before.

See, as you increase your activity and responsibilities, you increase stress. A little is fine, a little more might be, too. But you get to a point where you begin to eat into your ability to be productive. And what’s worse? It starts to erode your health and happiness.

In the end, what’s the point of doing anything if it hurts you physically and emotionally?

Well, luckily, there are ways to actively recover from stress. It’s the secret to performing at the top of your game.

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene is about getting the right amount of sleep and making sure it’s high quality. Without good sleep, you are actively undercutting your ability to perform.

  • Keep the same bedtime and wake up time (even on weekends)

  • Only use your bedroom for sleep and sex

  • Maintain a nightly routine before bed

  • Avoid screen time at least an hour before bed — if this is impossible, try a blue light filter (it helps, but avoiding screens is still better)

  • Do not ingest caffeine after 12:00 pm, and keep your daily intake under 300 mg

  • Only take naps early in the afternoon, and limit them to 20 minutes

  • If you go to bed and can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing until ready to try again


When you’re tired from working, it seems strange that working out can help you fix your problem. But exercise does two things that are like superpowers: it gives you more energy over the long run, and it reduces your stress.

In fact, exercise helps in many more ways than that. It promotes better sleep (see above) and helps you with focus (see below). There are few things in life that aren’t improved by exercise, and yet a lot of people choose to skip it when they are tired. That’s a mistake.


Meditation does not have to take a lot of time, just 20 minutes a day will be transformative. You don’t have to spend a dime on equipment or training. Plus, it’s one of the simplest activities you can do.

And yet, many people avoid it. But meditation allows you to keep better focus, and it makes that focus last. It helps calm your mind through the rest of your day, ending the hamster-wheel thoughts that can get in the way. 

If you’re looking for a great way to elevate your mediation practice, cruise over to our library of free Guided Meditations with soothing visuals and audio to help you find that zen.


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