Feel More Joy in Your Daily Efforts

Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you can be free from distractions

Let your spine be neutral and tall, rest your hands in your lap or on your thighs in a way that promotes a release of your shoulders, and an expansion of your chest

Begin with your eyes gently open, your gaze soft and low,.

Breathe slowly and steadily in and out through your nose Find a quiet, patient and easy, comfortable breath

Watch the breath moving in and out through your nose.

Now gently let your eyes close, paying attention to the softness in the muscles of your eyelids

And then invite joy into your practice by silently contemplating your greater purpose 

Joyful effort arises when we understand our true purpose

What calls you to act?

What motivates you to take care of your body?

What blessings are you welcoming in on your journey today?

By understanding intention,

And the why behind your journey

The effort in showing up to practice, to act, to live becomes imbued with joy, and ease…


Release Anxiety and Channel Confidence